📕 Node [[i d argue that the beam needs a prolog y language too erlang is prolog like in syntax only]]
↳ 📓 Resource @enki/i d argue that the beam needs a prolog y language too erlang is prolog like in syntax only
📄 I-d-argue-that-the-BEAM-needs-a-prolog-y-language-too---erlang-is-prolog-like-in-syntax-only.md by @enki

I’d argue that the BEAM needs a prolog-y language too — erlang is prolog-

like in syntax only…

(I don’t think erlang should become more prolog-like. I just think a more prolog-like language would benefit from the kind of…

I’d argue that the BEAM needs a prolog-y language too — erlang is prolog-like in syntax only (lacking unification, backtracking, cuts, and other really fundamental constructions). This really screwed me up when I was first working with it — I expected functions to be reversible, expand unbound variables to the herbrand universe, etc.

(I don’t think erlang should become more prolog-like. I just think a more prolog-like language would benefit from the kind of message-passing & implicit multithreading that BEAM makes straightforward.)

By John Ohno on April 10, 2018.

[Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/id-argue-that-the-beam-needs-a- prolog-y-language-too-erlang-is-prolog-like-in-syntax-only-ffc0d9dddbbb)

Exported from Medium on September 18, 2020.

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